Well hello all! SO MUCH has changed since my last blog entry, a virus that seemed so far removed from our lives literally revolutionized our reality. Among the big changes over here, I’ve got a “new roommate”: y’all probably remember my cousin Livia. Well, she was basically kicked out of her college dorm due to coronavirus, so she moved here at the beginning of March. She will be here until further notice!
As we do our best to get used to our new normal, there are things that have made this transition easier for us. The lockdown can take a toll on our mental health, so here’s a round up of what has kept us sane for the past couple of months!
Cooking. Lots of Cooking
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know very well that Livia and I have been on a cooking spree since the lockdown started. We’ve been making all kinds of dishes, from homemade pasta to chicken curry, from lasagna to crêpes, from pizza to oven roasted lamb. Basically, we’ve tried to make a bit of everything. We’ve made ragù from scratch or homemade ravioli, things we had never tried to cook before. We were pleasantly surprised and lemme tell y’all, spending so much time in the kitchen really gave us a boost of confidence in regards to our cooking skills. Growing up in Italy, you’re always surrounded by people who cook way better than you (moms, aunts, grandmas…); well, it turns out, we’re not so bad ourselves!

A highlight of our cooking? Our Easter lunch: as I mentioned, we roasted a whole leg of lamb in the oven. We had never done that before and it truly made our Easter feel more special. I highly recommend trying to make new dishes and spending more time in the kitchen!

Animal Crossing
I want to make this clear: we did not jump on the Animal Crossing bandwagon. We proudly lead the wagon. We’ve been huge Animal Crossing people for years in this household. Game cube, Nintendo DS, etcetera. So obviously, we had to score the Nintendo Switch version as well, especially since we are all forced to stay inside the house.
No surprise, we love the game. It’s exactly the way you imagine it: fun, cute, a way to escape our absurd reality. We’re spending way too much time catching fish and bugs, tending flowers and decorating our houses on our island! If you’re playing too, send over your friend code!

Just when we said you could play to escape reality…
Mapiful Décor
Here’s something else I had been meaning to do: adding a little something to the apartment. Something that made it feel like home to us. Back in December, I had a collaboration with Mapiful to create two maps of my hometowns, Milano and Chicago (wow, where have I heard that before?). Well, though I love the prints, I had not yet found the time to frame them and hang them in the house. Then, when we received and installed the new couch we had bought just before the quarantine, I realized that it was time. Michaels was also doing a frames sale so I got two for super cheap and framed the maps, then we hung them over the couch. I love the way they look! After about five years, this apartment is starting to feel more like home!

Livia ended up partnering with Mapiful too, so she created her own map as well!

Medici, the Netflix series
Just like anybody else, we’ve been binging a lot of shows lately. We’ve watched anything from cooking competitions to a to interior design shows, from the French version of The Circle to a documentary about Mormons. However, no tv show has glued us to the screen the way Medici did. No matter whether you’re a history buff or not, this British-Italian historical drama will captivate you. And lucky for you, Season 3 comes out on Netflix tomorrow! We can hardly wait!
Chloe Ting’s Two-Week Shred Workouts
Okay lemme tell y’all something: I did not think I’d use the quarantine to work out. I don’t really enjoy working out at all. “Wait, aren’t you like, a fitness coach?“, you might ask. Well yes, I guess, but I’m an aerial stretching coach. I stretch and float. Doesn’t it sound relaxing already? I love relaxing. Working out? Not so much. So obviously, don’t look at me: Livia got me into this. She decided we just had to gain muscle and get toned since we’re not really doing much with our lives. And I agreed to it.
The best part of these workouts is that they span from 25 to 45 minutes a day, no more than that. We make time for these every day and yes, they’re excruciating, but here’s two things. One: it’s only a two-week commitment. Two: these workouts work. We can totally see more definite muscles already and we just feel more active. I highly recommend this program, and it’s completely free!
Memes about Gov. Cuomo, Dr. Fauci, Giuseppe Conte and Beppe Sala
Last but not least, just like everyone else in the world, we’ve been following the news very closely. And as always, the best part about the news is the ridiculous amount of weird trends and memes that span from the news. For example, there are four people that everyone in this house particularly likes: NY Governor Cuomo, physician and immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte and Milan mayor Beppe Sala. It turns out, we’re not the only ones to have a soft spot for these characters. In fact, all four of these guys have been the subject of some of the funniest memes and fandoms where people are suddenly feeling attracted to them. We stand with all of them, and stand behind the memes and posts. Here are a few for your enjoyment:

And that is all for this Favorites roundup! I genuinely hope the next one will be much more positive and full of fun activities. Perhaps not travels, but let’s all do our part in staying home and social distancing so that we can go back to traveling ASAP!
Good girls, keep on going like that! O è meglio dire : keep going on that way? Non so se si è capito: Cate (e Livia) visto che devi/dovete riempire il tempo potresti/potreste lasciarmi usare il blog per english/ american lessons….😜